Recently a bi-partisan group of 60 U.S. Senators made headlines with
a letter
to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. The letter urged him to add a clause to
the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement
prohibiting currency manipulation. The Senators cited a
Peterson Institute study
that claimed currency manipulation had cost the United States 5 million
jobs. Subsequent discussion of the issue focused on China and Japan as
the biggest manipulators. How big is the threat? What should we do about
China’s traditional currency manipulation
is no doubt that China is a currency manipulator in the traditional
sense that it treats its exchange rate as an explicit goal of economic
policy. It shares this distinction with other countries whose currency
regimes are of the “fixed” or “managed float” varieties. We could
quibble about which of these categories China belongs to. Its currency
regime is less rigidly fixed than, say, the currency boards of Bulgaria
and Hong Kong, but less flexible than the managed float of, say, Russia.
Either way, as the following map shows, currency manipulators—the light
green and blue countries—are clearly in the majority among the world’s
is at issue, then, is not whether China is a currency manipulator, but
rather, how effective its manipulation is and whether and how that
manipulation poses a threat to the United States. Over the past three
years, I have written a series of posts
[1] [2] [3]
arguing that China’s currency manipulation has not been highly
effective and that the harm done to the United States is often
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